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Springer Nature’s sustainability reporting

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Visit the People and Planet section for our sustainability highlights.

Accelerating solutions to urgent societal challenges

As one of the world’s largest publishers of research and education content, our sustainable business strategy focuses on the areas where we can have the greatest positive impact.

Policies and Reports

Other relevant information and guidance on what to do if you wish to report a concern about a potential breach of the Code of Conduct, can be found in the Policies and Reports section of the website.

Accessing and publishing research in low and middle income countries

We invest in education and scientific research in places where it’s needed, but where people may not be able to afford it. We achieve this by working with organisations such as Research4Life and CGIAR, providing no-cost or low-fee access to research published in any of our journals in low and middle income countries. 

Sustainable open access requires its own funding, usually in the form of article processing charge (APC) payments or transformative agreements. These can be difficult to finance in low- and middle-income countries and in some research disciplines, so Springer Nature operates an APC waiver and discount policy. 

We also donate textbooks and equipment through partnerships with organisations like Books2Africa and we donate the residual value from recycled paper produced by recycling our obsolete stock.