Corporate Governance

At Springer Nature, we are committed to the responsible management of our business.

We are committed to:   

  • Operating ethically and responsibly, demonstrating transparent and effective corporate governance.
  • Sound operational and financial management to promote the long term interest of our company and stakeholders.
  • Compliance with legal and regulatory requirements.

Acting with integrity and responsibility are core to our values and governance has always been a key component of our approach to managing ESG impacts.

Sustainable business and diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) are strategic priorities, with progress against milestones and key performance indicators provided to the supervisory board and executive team quarterly.

The executive team and audit committee of the supervisory board receive quarterly risk reports and biannual compliance updates, including the reporting of current investigations and significant compliance incidents, if any. 

Through our Code of Conduct and other internal policies and guidance, the principles of responsible governance, compliance with laws and ethical business conduct are embedded throughout our organisation. All group policies are approved by the management board. 

You can read more about these principles and our reporting on them in our Taking Responsibility section of the website and most recent Sustainable Business report.


Governance Structure

Our Boards

Boards © sihuo0860371 / Getty Images / iStockSpringer Nature has a dual board structure made up of a Supervisory Board and a Management Board. The Supervisory Board is responsible for supervising and advising the Management Board and is involved in appointing members to the Management Board and making decisions that are fundamental to the company. The duties and responsibilities of both bodies are defined by law and strictly separated from one another.

There is a Supervisory Board of both the KGaA and the GP. The Supervisory Board of the KGaA is formed by representatives of HPG and BCP as well as three independent members. The current members of the Supervisory Board of the GP are representatives of HPG and BCP. The Supervisory Board of the GP supervises the Management Board of the GP, while the Supervisory Board of the KGaA supervises the GP in its management of Springer Nature AG & Co. KGaA. You can find more information about the Supervisory Board here.

The Management Board (Vorstand) manages and represents the GP and indirectly manages the Springer Nature AG & Co. KGaA and implements the delivery of the company strategy. In addition to the supervision of the Supervisory Board, the Management Board is also advised by a strong Executive Team. You can find more information about the Management Board here.

With their wide range of skills and years of experience, members of both the Supervisory Board and the Management Board are ideally placed to promote the long term success of the company. The company has procedures and training in place to manage actual or potential conflicts of interests, including independence of members of the Supervisory Board and Management Board. Cross-board memberships of the Supervisory Board are listed on our website.

Committees of the boards

The Committees of both Supervisory Boards oversee our business activities and advise in the specific areas of Audit, Executive Nominations, and Remuneration.

Committees of Springer Nature AG & Co. KGaA

Audit Committee

The Audit Committee (Prüfungsausschuss) is responsible for monitoring the effectiveness of the accounting process, the internal control system, the risk management system and the internal audit system. It also deals with the audit of the financial statements and the arrangements with the company’s auditor. The Audit Committee is also responsible for overseeing the company’s compliance system. The Audit Committee consists of the following members of the Supervisory Board:

  • Ms Birgit Haderer (Chair)
  • Dr Ewald Walgenbach
  • Björn Waldow

Executive and Nomination Committee

The Executive and Nomination Committee (Präsidial-und Nominierungsausschuss) is responsible for preparatory measures regarding the proposal of members for appointment to the Supervisory Board by the General Meeting (Hauptversammlung) of Springer Nature AG & Co. KGaA, and certain other matters where Supervisory Board approval is required pursuant to the Articles of Association of Springer Nature AG & Co. KGaA. The Executive and Nomination Committee consists of the following members of the Supervisory Board:

  • Dr Stefan von Holtzbrinck (Chair)
  • Nikos Stathopoulos
  • Dr Stefan Oschmann

Committee of Springer Nature Management AG

Remuneration Committee

The Remuneration Committee (Vergütungsausschuss) is responsible for preparatory measures regarding matters to be resolved by the Supervisory Board relating to the remuneration and employment terms of the Management Board members and certain other senior positions. The Remuneration Committee also considers the amendment or termination of service agreements of the Management Board members and terms relating to remuneration guidelines, incentive programmes, strategy and framework. The Remuneration Committee consists of the following members of the Supervisory Board:

  • Dr Stefan von Holtzbrinck (Chair)
  • Nikos Stathopoulos
  • Dr Stefan Oschmann