At Springer Nature, we know how important it is to be able to trust and rely on the research we publish. It plays a pivotal role in our daily lives and advances our understanding of how humankind will combat climate change, reduce inequality, and solve its most challenging problems.
We have championed the value and impact of open access (OA) for over 20 years. OA has clear benefits for researchers and society - increased usage, reach, and visibility, whilst also ensuring that the very content that can help address global challenges gets into the hands of those that can effect change. We continue to invest in our fully OA portfolio, new OA models and transitioning our hybrid journals with a focus on gold OA. Springer Nature aims to have half of all primary research Open Access by end of 2024.
Bei Springer Nature legen wir großen Wert darauf, allen Menschen wertschätzend zu begegnen. Diese Wertschätzung findet ihren Ausdruck auch in Sprache, mit der wir Vielfalt sichtbar machen und Diskriminierung durch Zuschreibung oder Ausgrenzung vermeiden können.
When people talk about “Springer” or “the publishing house Springer” there is sometimes confusion as three different publishing houses share this name.