Springer Nature advances its machine-generated tools and offers a new book format with AI-based literature overviews
Climate, Planetary and Evolutionary Sciences: A Machine-Generated Literature Overview marks a further step in the innovation journey of publishing services at Springer Nature
London | Heidelberg, 04 May 2021
Following the publication of its first machine-generated book in 2019, Springer Nature has now deployed its AI expertise to create a new publication format which focuses on literature reviews. While the first book on lithium-ion batteries was entirely AI-based, this new format takes an innovative hybrid approach of blending human-machine interaction. The new product is a mixture of human-written text and machine-generated literature overviews, which sees an author putting these machine-generated reviews, created from a large set of previously published articles in Springer Nature journals, into book chapters and providing a scientific perspective.
Climate, Planetary and Evolutionary Sciences: A Machine-Generated Literature Overview, edited by Guido Visconti, is the first publication of this kind. Professor Guido Visconti devised a series of questions and keywords related to different aspects of climate studies, examining their most recent developments and their most practical applications. These were queried, discovered, collated and structured by the machine using AI clustering with the results presented in a series of book chapters for Prof Visconti to put into scientific context. This combined approach of human-machine interaction was able to reveal the complex and interdisciplinary nature of the climate, planetary and evolution sciences. Springer Nature is planning a further development of this new format and making human-machine collaboration part of its publishing experience.
Professor Guido Visconti said:
“It was very exciting to be part of such an innovative experiment. It enabled me to discover interesting aspects I had previously neglected, stimulating me to find out additional citations and references. The AI was able to find such connections producing a wealth of data which are summarized in the chapters of the book. The peculiarities of the topics demonstrate that the same process could be applied to any scientific sector producing summaries which are very useful for both the professional and academic work or for the students that face for the first time the research literature or pursue PhD objectives.”
Stephanie Preuss, Senior Manager Product and Content Solutions, Book Publishing Solutions at Springer Nature, said:
“This is an exciting step in our innovation journey that started with the first machine-generated book, as this is effectively a new type of book format that resembles a kind of dialogue between the author (now editor) and the machine. We are looking forward to seeing how this joint journey of authors, publishers, and machines helps advance science and show authors surprising new opportunities for future research. We hope others will be inspired and invite the submission of new ideas to produce similar publications in other research areas.”