At Springer Nature, we support researchers and add value throughout the science ecosystem. We work closely with the global academic community to verify, publish and share trustworthy research.

With over a third of our people working in tech-heavy roles across more than 40 countries from all over the world, we leverage technologies like AI to make research faster, more accessible and more trustworthy.

To ensure a responsible use of technology, it is important that a human is in the loop and takes responsibility for the final product.

We are using AI in three ways to support researchers and authors

Accelerate discovery

Accelerating discovery © Donny DBM / Getty Images / iStockTo accelerate scientific progress, we focus on the needs of researchers and help them become more agile and efficient. 

Using AI, we equip them with a range of tools and platforms carefully designed to optimise their daily workflows. From automated quality and fact checks to AI-assisted copy editing and translations, AI is helping us improve the quality of their work and enable us to share scientific results faster. By doing so, we allow researchers to focus on their core work: their research.

Promote equity

Promoting equity © ookawa / Getty Images / iStock

Making scientific knowledge easier to access is crucial for finding solutions to global challenges. Open Science requires transparency and inclusivity. At Springer Nature, we are paving the way forward to make this vision a reality. 

Transparency in research helps scientists avoid wasting time by research that has been done before. AI is enabling us to create services to help researchers make all aspects of their discoveries easily accessible, discoverable, usable, reusable and shareable. AI can help people from all backgrounds to become part of progress. For instance, its capability to adapt texts for diverse audiences and purposes facilitates the overcoming of scientific disciplinary boundaries. This is a big opportunity as the challenges of our time can only be solved through global and interdisciplinary research approaches.

Protect integrity

Protecting integrity © NanoStockk / Getty Images / iStock

Ensuring research integrity and the trustworthiness of the scientific record is paramount both for scientific progress and practical applications of research. In the age of AI, safeguarding against fraudulent practices within the scientific ecosystem becomes an increasingly important concern. 

We protect research integrity by enhancing our ability to detect fraudulent documents faster and more effectively, thereby promoting trust in science. With the help of AI-driven tools and their ability to find specific patterns used by distributors of fraudulent publications, we are able to provide solutions for detecting plagiarism and preventing the publication of fake science generated by large language models.